Syngonium Podophyllum

Syngonium Podophyllum, or the Arrowhead Plant, is a beautiful aroid that boasts arrow-shaped leaves and can come in a variety of colors. 

This lady is a creeper, so she needs some support. She’s perfect for hanging baskets or in a pot with a moss pole. 

Quick Facts

Hardiness Zone: 10-12
Sun Requirement: Partial shade to bright filtered light.
Height: 2-5′
Minimum Indoor Temperature: 60
Humidity Preference: High
Watering Needs: Slightly moist between waterings
Difficulty Level: Easy
Soil Notes: Well-drained potting soil or African Violet Mix

Variegated Syngonium

My gorgeous Variegated Syngonium made her way to my garden all the way from Unadilla, New York! My friend Cameron was raising money to start her own plant shop and offered a sweet box of “mystery” goodies and I was so excited to take part! Her plants are ah-mazing! Check her out at @flora_goud_thyme on Instagram.

Variegated Syngonium

This stunning lady arrived safe and sound on June 11, 2020, and has done nothing but thrive since her arrival. Her eye-catching colors combined with the unique arrowhead leaf shape; she is truly something special! I was a little concerned with her need for high humidity, but so far she has soaked up the morning sun from my east window and enjoys simple misting. I’ll be sure to update if she decides to get fussy.

Pink Splash Syngonium

Syngonium Pink Splash

I added this gorgeous Syngonium Pink Splash when hunting on June 26 or aroids on Etsy. I took a chance and ordered six plants from The New Plant Co. and I could not be happier! They had several rare varieties that I just could not resist. Also, their shipping & customer service – AMAZING.

This lovely lady was replanted in Black Gold African Violet Mix and is thriving so far.

Neon Robusta Syngonium

Neon Robusta Syngonium

I added this cute little Syngonium Neon Robusta to the collection on July 6th 2020 on a trip to Lowe’s. Gotta love their cheap little $3 houseplants! I really love that I now have three very unique and interesting variations of the Arrowhead plant!